How To Be Respectful Infill Developers

What You Need To Know About Our Infill Construction Guidelines

Infill developments create more vibrant and sustainable communities in Winnipeg.

The neighbourhoods we build in are important to us and we always try to be respectful during construction. That’s why Paragon Design Build follows courtesy and safety protocols to provide better value for the whole community.

Our Courteous Construction Guidelines

We developed a set of guidelines that we share with all of our employees, subcontractors and trades. We stand by these guidelines and ensure we’re following them to the best of our ability. We even put up signage  on our work sites so the neighbourhood knows what we stand  for too.

We know that some developers give others in our industry a bad name with messy work sites and inconsiderate behaviour. That’s why we have taken the initiative to follow these rules during construction. You’ll see these signs up at our work sites around Winnipeg - in River Heights, Osborne Village, South Osborne, Fort Garry, St. Boniface and other neighbourhoods.

1. Say Hello!

We let the neighbours know who we are and what we will be working on

2. Taking Ownership

We protect shared spaces such as boulevards, trees, curbs and sidewalks

3. Site Cleanliness

Residents in the neighbourhood go for walks during the day, in the evening and on weekends after we have packed up and gone home - we make sure to keep our sites tidy not just for our colleagues’ safety but for our neighbours as well

4. Volume Control

We keep the noise to a minimum and respect noise regulations

5. Minding Our Space

We try to keep clear of driveways, back lanes, and sidewalks at all times

6. Fencing

We fence all open excavations, and the fence must be secured at the end of each working day

7. Trees Have Intrinsic Value

Our builders  often work with licensed arborists to help eliminate tree damage on our sites

8. Shore Till’ We Are Sure

Shoring is a temporary prop or support during a repair or construction of a new building. A site not properly shored can cause a lot of damage, so we do whatever is necessary to ensure stability and we fix any damages that is caused to the neighbouring properties

Tree protection at Project Lorette

Keeping Our Communities Safe

Safety on our infill construction sites in Winnipeg is our top priority. Our goal is to improve our city with sustainable infill. We do that in part by collaborating with the communities we build in. Paragon follows other safety procedures mandated by the Province of Manitoba’s Workplace Safety and Health Act.

Follow us on social media to learn more about our latest infill developments. We are on Instagram and Facebook.

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