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Items You Never Knew You Needed To Have In Your Apartment

Whether you’re moving into a new space or just looking to make some changes to refresh your home, we’re sharing our top picks for items you never knew you needed to have in your apartment.

French Press

We live in a time when you can have your morning cup of coffee at the push of a button and we all love that convenience. But don’t underestimate the power of a french press. Machines break, and if you’re like us you never want to be left without your cup of coffee in the morning. A french press like this one, is a great tool to have in your kitchen for days when the coffee machine is acting up or you’re just in the mood to get back to basics. Plus, some will argue the coffee even tastes better! 

Thing Spots

We’ve all experienced a frantic moment searching for our keys when we’re leaving home in a rush. The best way to avoid this is to have a place to put them right when you get in the door. “Catchalls” is a term used to describe something that “catches” the odds and ends that end up around our comes. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes but we love these Thing Spots made locally by Biglow Woodcraft. Place these by your front entrance for keys or other miscellaneous items and you’ll never lose them in your house again. 

Motion Detecting Night Light

The change in seasons comes with longer nights and later sunrises which often means waking up to darkness. Yes, we’re bummed about that too. That’s why we love these Motion Detecting Night Lights from Amazon which are ideal to light the way for bathrooms and hallways as they’ll provide a soft glow to guide your way in the morning. 

Silk Pillowcases

As we head into the winter months our hair will experience damage from the cold. Silk pillowcases help prevent hair damage because the silk can help hair retain moisture from products and natural oils and reduce friction that could cause tangles and breakage. Blush Silks is a local Winnipeg company that specializes in silk pillowcases and offers a variety of colours to match your bedroom and style. 

Drain Protector

This one might not be as exciting as some of the other items on this list but trust us, it’s totally worth the convenience. Drain protectors like this one catch hair and help avoid an unwanted visit from the plumber for a clogged drain. They’re an affordable way to keep your shower working drain clog free. 

Blanket Basket

Cozy season is here and we’re all about filling our spaces with warm blankets to add that extra layer of comfy vibes. To avoid them looking like clutter, a basket like this one from IKEA is an easy – and aesthetically pleasing – way to store your blankets when they’re not in use!

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